Automating the
testing teaching testing teaching
of spoken English.

We provide API access to our leading-edge AI Speech Assessment Toolkit that automates the teaching and testing of spoken English for your students. Your students can practice their spoken English anytime, anywhere.

Trusted by

How does our

Speech Assessment API


Our AI-powered APIs provide detailed feedback on pronunciation, fluency, grammar and vocabulary as well as providing estimated IELTS, PTE, CEFR scores! It can pinpoint errors, down to the granular (phoneme by phoneme) level, just like a real teacher! This allows your students on-demand, real-time feedback and unlimited practice of their spoken English. Get started today!

Step 1 : Speaker records audio

The user records the audio. This can be reading from a script or it can be unscripted, e.g. talking about what they see in an image.

Step 2 : Send audio data to us

You send us their audio recording (alongside the script if applicable).

Step 3 : Our AI assesses the audio

Our AI can assess for pronunciation, fluency, grammar and vocabulary.

Step 4 : We send back the assessment to you

You get a detailed report to determine the speaker's English proficiency.

Step 5 : Speaker gets feedback on their spoken English

You provide the speaker their feedback the way YOU want to.

Use Cases

Use our APIs for a range of use-cases, including Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education, High-Stakes test preparation and even for pre-screening for job interviews!

Standardized English test preparation

Equip your students for success in the recognised English tests such as PTE, TOEFL or IELTS. Our APIs deliver real-time feedback, scoring estimates similar to these tests so your students know where they can improve with speaking to achieve their dreams.

English learning platforms

Elevate user experience on your web or mobile learning platform. With our APIs, you can boost engagement, retention, and conversion rates by providing a more interactive and insightful learning journey.

Universities and schools

  • Streamline academic processes by automating the marking or pre-marking of English assignments and tests.
  • Offer scalable, automated learning activities to enhance student experience.
  • Seamless Moodle LMS integration is just a click away with our tailored plugin.

Job placement or training

  • Evaluate a candidate's English proficiency and speaking confidence with precision, ensuring you make informed hiring decisions.
  • Foster continuous improvement within your workforce by providing them the tools to enhance their spoken English capabilities.

Ready to use

Language Confidence?

Automate and improve the learning of your students' spoken English today!

Language Confidence’s collaboration with Oxford Languages

Our collaboration with Oxford Languages from Oxford University Press, allows us to work with lexical datasets carefully curated by language experts. By utilizing the pronunciation data from Oxford Languages for our Speech Assessment API, we can provide our students with accurate feedback on their pronunciation in both US and UK English accents, using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).


Endorsed by Leaders Across Primary, Secondary, Test Preparation, Assessment, and Job-Readiness Sectors of English Language Learning.

E2Language is a global provider of high-stakes English exam preparation for over 2 million students. We decided to switch from another pronunciation evaluation provider to Language Confidence because their product and customer support are superior.

Jarrad Merlo

Co-Founder & Director of E2 Language

We’ve been a customer and partner of Language Confidence for over 3 years. We believe they offer the best AI Speech APIs on the market.

Linh Pham Giang,

CEO, Galaxy Education

We have found the speech recognition capabilities of Language Confidence are best-in-class on the market.

Adam McArthur

CEO of Literacy Planet

Language Confidence is at the cutting edge of developing AI solutions for English language education. It has been a privilege working with the team developing creative custom solutions to address specific needs in our world-class EdTech solutions.

David Haberlah

Chief Product Manager, 3PLearning

Language Confidence has the best technology in the market for English language learners. We are very excited about this partnership As Language Confidence’s technology is forming the technology backbone of one of our core products.

Adam Lambert

CEO of Small Batch Learning

Working with Language Confidence has helped us meet the unique needs of young learners who are using Age of Learning's English language programs. Their cutting-edge speech recognition and scoring technologies enhance the effectiveness of our solutions and their commitment to research and development echoes our company values.

Calyn Reinhart

SVP, Product, Age of Learning

E2Language is a global provider of high-stakes English exam preparation for over 2 million students. We decided to switch from another pronunciation evaluation provider to Language Confidence because their product and customer support are superior.

Jarrad Merlo

Co-Founder & Director of E2 Language

We’ve been a customer and partner of Language Confidence for over 3 years. We believe they offer the best AI Speech APIs on the market.

Linh Pham Giang,

CEO, Galaxy Education

We have found the speech recognition capabilities of Language Confidence are best-in-class on the market.

Adam McArthur

CEO of Literacy Planet

Language Confidence is at the cutting edge of developing AI solutions for English language education. It has been a privilege working with the team developing creative custom solutions to address specific needs in our world-class EdTech solutions.

David Haberlah

Chief Product Manager, 3PLearning

Language Confidence has the best technology in the market for English language learners. We are very excited about this partnership As Language Confidence’s technology is forming the technology backbone of one of our core products.

Adam Lambert

CEO of Small Batch Learning

Working with Language Confidence has helped us meet the unique needs of young learners who are using Age of Learning's English language programs. Their cutting-edge speech recognition and scoring technologies enhance the effectiveness of our solutions and their commitment to research and development echoes our company values.

Calyn Reinhart

SVP, Product, Age of Learning